In Hungary name-days are very important dates. Almost that important as birthdays. So if you have friend named MARIA ZOLDI don't forget to congratulate (him/her).
1st January.This name-day past Three Hundred and Twenty-Seven day(s) and Fourteen hour(s) ago.
23rd January.This name-day past Three Hundred and Five day(s) and Fourteen hour(s) ago.
2nd February.This name-day past Two Hundred and Ninety-Five day(s) and Fourteen hour(s) ago.
11th February.This name-day past Two Hundred and Eigthy-Six day(s) and Fourteen hour(s) ago.
3rd March.This name-day past Two Hundred and Sixty-Five day(s) and Fourteen hour(s) ago.
25th March.This name-day past Two Hundred and Fourty-Three day(s) and Fourteen hour(s) ago.
2nd April.This name-day past Two Hundred and Thirty-Five day(s) and Fourteen hour(s) ago.
7th April.This name-day past Two Hundred and Thirty day(s) and Fourteen hour(s) ago.
8th April.This name-day past Two Hundred and Twenty-Nine day(s) and Fourteen hour(s) ago.
26th April.This name-day past Two Hundred and Eleven day(s) and Fourteen hour(s) ago.
8th May.This name-day past One Hundred and Ninety-Nine day(s) and Fourteen hour(s) ago.
24th May.This name-day past One Hundred and Eigthy-Three day(s) and Fourteen hour(s) ago.
29th May.This name-day past One Hundred and Seventy-Eight day(s) and Fourteen hour(s) ago.
31st May.This name-day past One Hundred and Seventy-Six day(s) and Fourteen hour(s) ago.
15th June.This name-day past One Hundred and Sixty-One day(s) and Fourteen hour(s) ago.
2nd July.This name-day past One Hundred and Fourty-Four day(s) and Fourteen hour(s) ago.
6th July.This name-day past One Hundred and Fourty day(s) and Fourteen hour(s) ago.
7th July.This name-day past One Hundred and Thirty-Nine day(s) and Fourteen hour(s) ago.
16th July.This name-day past One Hundred and Thirty day(s) and Fourteen hour(s) ago.
17th July.This name-day past One Hundred and Twenty-Nine day(s) and Fourteen hour(s) ago.
22nd July.This name-day past One Hundred and Twenty-Four day(s) and Fourteen hour(s) ago.
2nd August.This name-day past One Hundred and Thirteen day(s) and Fourteen hour(s) ago.
5th August.This name-day past One Hundred and Ten day(s) and Fourteen hour(s) ago.
9th August.This name-day past One Hundred and Six day(s) and Fourteen hour(s) ago.
Main name-day: 15th August.This name-day past One Hundred day(s) and Fourteen hour(s) ago.
16th August.This name-day past Ninety-Nine day(s) and Fourteen hour(s) ago.
22nd August.This name-day past Ninety-Three day(s) and Fourteen hour(s) ago.
Main name-day: 8th September.This name-day past Seventy-Six day(s) and Fourteen hour(s) ago.
Main name-day: 12th September.This name-day past Seventy-Two day(s) and Fourteen hour(s) ago.
15th September.This name-day past Sixty-Nine day(s) and Fourteen hour(s) ago.
19th September.This name-day past Sixty-Five day(s) and Fourteen hour(s) ago.
22nd September.This name-day past Sixty-Two day(s) and Fourteen hour(s) ago.
24th September.This name-day past Sixty day(s) and Fourteen hour(s) ago.
3rd October.This name-day past Fifty-One day(s) and Fourteen hour(s) ago.
6th October.This name-day past Fourty-Eight day(s) and Fourteen hour(s) ago.
7th October.This name-day past Fourty-Seven day(s) and Fourteen hour(s) ago.
8th October.This name-day past Fourty-Six day(s) and Fourteen hour(s) ago.
11th October.This name-day past Fourty-Three day(s) and Fourteen hour(s) ago.
22nd October.This name-day past Thirty-Two day(s) and Fourteen hour(s) ago.
24th October.This name-day past Thirty day(s) and Fourteen hour(s) ago.
21st November.This name-day past Two day(s) and Fourteen hour(s) ago.
27th November.Next name-day in Two day(s) and Ten hour(s).
Main name-day: 8th December.Next name-day in Thirteen day(s) and Ten hour(s).
15th December.Next name-day in Twenty day(s) and Ten hour(s).
18th December.Next name-day in Twenty-Three day(s) and Ten hour(s).
Frequency of MARIA name and ZOLDI surname in Hungary
The Maria name frequency in Hungary: The name is in TOP One most common woman name in Hungary. As name: 3.914% (Three Hundred and Ninety-One Thousand Four Hundred and One), as 2nd name: 0.9998% (Ninety-Nine Thousand Nine Hundred and Eigthy-Four) woman have this name.. Zoldi surname frequency: 33
What English words can be put together from characters of the name?
M (1) | A (2) | R (1) | I (2) | Z (1) | O (1) | L (1) | D (1) | From list of characters, you can write these English words (searched in most common 6000 English words): A, AD, ADAM, AID, AIM, AIR, AL, AM, ARM, DI, DO, DR, DRAMA, I, LA, LAID, LIAR, LID, LO, LOAD, LORD, MA, MAD, MAID, MAIL, MILD, MOLD, MORAL, MR, OAR, OIL, OLD, OR, ORAL, RADIO, RAIL, RID, ROAD, ROD,
Some more statistic:
(Soon) In MARIA ZOLDI name we can find Ten characters. (more statistic comming soon)